Tax Consulting Jakarta, jakarta tax consulting

Strategic Tax litigation Service

It can be regarded that Indonesia is one of the countries that has a simple-like tax law. It’s thin and easy to read. Although its simplicity does not always result in a shared perspective between the taxpayer and the tax authority. Many times, such differences lead to disputes. Two fundamental questions then arise: can disputes be avoided? If it cannot be avoided, how can the taxpayer maximize its position?

For representation in tax disputes, understanding the ins and outs of the legal tax system as well as the tax legislation is essential. The professionals at Abide Tax Consulting are skilled and experienced in the areas of setting up strategic schemes for dispute resolution, writing up written opinions, safeguarding client confidentiality and privilege, and protecting our clients’ rights through litigation, mediation, and arbitration processes.

Better yet, we are skilled at avoiding disputes by resolving disagreements between the taxpayers and tax authorities at an early stage. Namely, at the level of tax audit or at the level of pre-tax audit by the issuance of the Letter of Request for Explanation of Data and/or Information (Surat Permintaan Penjelasan atas Data dan/atau Keterangan/SP2DK), which could trigger a tax audit. We believe that avoiding disputes will bring the greatest benefit for taxpayers as well as to the tax authorities.

Our range of strategic tax litigation services includes Tax Audit, Tax Objection, Tax Appeal and Legal Suit, Judicial Review, Transfer Pricing Dispute Resolution (APA and MAP), International Tax Resolution (MAP), and International Tax Arbitrary. Further, our service also includes Customs and Excise Audit and/or Objection, Appeal and Judicial Review.

Strategic Corporate Action and Financing

Business must carefully consider their course of action, how they will carry it out, and when they will carry it out due to the dynamics of the business world and its revolution. The corporation can achieve the greatest profitable value in this method. This also holds true for businesses that will engage in financing and corporate actions. To get the best value for the organization, it is important to have detailed and mapped insights, including taxation.

In Abide Tax Consulting, we think thoroughly about corporate actions and financing carried out by the company. Our experience and expertise in the area of corporate actions and financing will be of substantial value to the company in planning, developing, and implementing its corporate actions and financing. In order to protect your business interest, we are prepared to offer services such as tax due diligence, analysis and opinion on corporate actions and financing in the form of securitization, limited offer mutual funds (Reksa Dana Penawaran Terbatas/RDPT), infrastructure investment funds (Dana Investasi Infrastruktur/DINFRA), mergers, acquisitions, spin-off, initial public offering (IPO), dividend distribution and any other corporate actions or financing.

Tax Consulting Jakarta

Strategic Tax Analysis and Opinion on Special Transaction

What is great about the business world is its uncertainty. One may see it as frightening matters, while others may see it as an area of opportunity. Whatever the preferences are, the true businessperson must always look beyond. How the opportunity may be obtained optimally and how the risk is mitigated appropriately. “Insurance” and “assurance” will be the keywords to address the risk.

Abide Tax Consulting is here to help the company to establish the “insurance” and “assurance” insight into the area of taxation. Our prominent time with our clients on their business journeys allows us to provide a vast and comprehensive look at the diversity of business conduct. Hence, we are prepared to provide companies with strategic analysis on special transactions, such as setting a supply chain, doing corporate restructuring, entering new business models, setting or testing transfer pricing schemes, and engaging in international transaction schemes.

Konsultan Pajak Jakarta

Strategic Tax Facility Request

It is a main objective of a country to have a line of businesses that strive for the hardship of the market so they can improve and flourish. Hence, businesses can contribute more to the development of the economy. Indonesia is no exception. In order to support the domestic line of businesses, Indonesia would welcome foreign investment and promote domestic investment. In doing so, Indonesia frequently provides tax facilities to be enjoyed by businesses. However, such facilities are not easily to obtain and sometimes not necessarily fit for businesses.

Understanding the ins and outs of the legal tax system as well as the tax legislation is crucial for representation in obtaining tax facilities. Abide Tax Consulting experts are knowledgeable and adept at developing strategic plans for gaining tax benefits. In addition, we are not only helping you to have tax facilities available, but we are also helping you to look through what kind of tax facilities at most fit with your business.

Strategic Tax Litigation Service

  • Tax Audit

  • Tax Objection

  • Tax Appeal and Legal Suit

  • Tax Judicial Review

  • Transfer Pricing Setlement: APA and MAP

  • International Tax Setlement: Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP)

  • Customs and Excise Audit

  • Customs and Excise Objection

  • Customs and Excise Appeal

  • Customs and Excise Judicial Review

Strategic Corporate Action and Financing

  • Tax Due Diligence

  • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Corporate Action and Financing

    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Securitization
    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on RDPT/DINFRA
    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Corporate Meger
    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Corporate Acquisition
    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on IPO
    • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Dividend Distribution

Strategic Tax Analysis and Opinion on Special Transactions

  • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Supply Chain and Corporate Restructuring
  • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Corporate Bussiness Model

Strategic Tax Facility Request

  • Tax Analysis and Opinion on Tax Facility Request

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