Vision & Mision


“One Of The Best Tax Firms In Asia-Pasific With A Strong And Solid Financial Structure”.


“Prosper Together By Providing The Best Value For Stakeholders”

4 Pillars of Abide Tax Consulting

Pillar 01.

Become blessings for nation and country

Pillar 02.

Best service to provide

Pillar 03.

Respect each other and colaborative

Pillar 04.

Strive for the best results


Your business is the most important. Challenges and obstacles will always appear in the course of your business expansion. Our key responsibility is to support and safeguard your business so that it can progress and flourish. What Abide Tax Consulting does is provide tax services that are specifically designed to meet your company’s needs. Our ability to assist you is based on three fundamental principles: we comprehend the requirements; we work resiliently; and we strive for the best results

The Best Tax Consultants in Indonesia

  • We are proud to announce that Mrs. Deborah has successfully listed as the best tax consultants in Indonesia. This achievement is a testament to the extraordinary skill, dedication, and integrity that Mrs. Deborah displays in every aspect of her work. As a tax consultant, Mrs. Deborah has made significant contributions to helping clients achieve optimal tax compliance and providing innovative and efficient solutions. This recognition not only reflects high professional competence but also the commitment of Mrs. Deborah, Partner of Abide Tax Consulting, to extraordinary service. This achievement is an inspiration for the entire team to continue to strive to achieve higher standards of excellence. We are confident that under Mrs. Deborah’s guidance and leadership, we will continue to achieve success and achieve even more brilliant achievements in the future.

Inauguration as a Board Member
of Forum Group Discussion at IKPI.

  • Congratulations to Mr. Anggi Tambunan for being inaugurated as a member of Forum Group Discussion at IKPI. This achievement reflects his dedication and leadership in the world of taxation, as well as his commitment to continuously share his knowledge and experience to improve industry standards. With his new role, Mr. Anggi Tambunan brings not only deep technical expertise, but also a personalized approach to every solution offered to stakeholders. We believe that with his integrity and professionalism, Mr. Anggi Tambunan will further contribute in creating a well-established and reliable industry ecosystem.

Full Scholarship Abide Tax Consulting

  • Congratulations to Mr. Sabastian for winning a full scholarship to continue his Masters studies at Gadjah Mada University, majoring in Law, sponsored by Abide Tax Consulting. This scholarship is a form of appreciation for the dedication and extraordinary performance that have been shown. This achievement reflects the company’s commitment to supporting the professional development of its employees and shows the quality of the human resources we have. We are proud to have outstanding individuals who are passionate about continuing to develop and providing the best contribution to the company and our clients. This support not only increases employee competency but also strengthens our company’s services and reputation at Abide Tax Consulting.

Key Person

In terms of strategic tax advice and tax dispute resolution in Indonesia, Anggi and Deborah are partners in excellence. Both began their careers as tax professionals in 2008 by establishing Abide Tax Consulting. Both are ceaselessly trusted to dealt with high-profile cases by multinationals corporations.

They manage various industries from oil, gas and coal mining, automotive and spare parts, property, forwarding and supply chain, plantation and forestry, aircraft and shipping, heavy equipment, chemicals, to hospitality industries.

Both are also involved in developing tax education in Indonesia by taking part as a lecturer and instructor in high reputable universities such as the University of Indonesia, the University of Pembangunan Nasional, and the University of Gunadarma. Not to mentioned, they are invited frequently as a speaker in multinationals corporations and honorable professionals’ institutions such as PAMA Persada Nusantara, Toyota Astra Motor, Angkasa Pura Grup, Indonesian Tax Consultants Association (IKPI) and General Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAUI).

konsultan akunting jakarta, konsultan pajak jakarta


Anggi P. I. Tambunan S.Sos., M. H., L.L.M. Int. Tax., BKP., ADIT (CIOT, UK)

Anggi is one of the best practitioners in handling strategic tax advice and dispute resolution as his main competence with satisfactory result. He handles a variety of complex cases ranging from domestic to international tax, including transfer pricing, corporate actions, and private securitization. He is consistently trusted to represent multinationals as well as state-owned corporations across multiple industries.


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Fiscal Administration from University of Indonesia
  • Master’s Degree in Economic Legal Studies from University of Indonesia

  • Master’s Degree in International Taxation from Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Wien (WU, Vienna)

Occupational Formalities

  • Charthered Institute of Taxation, United Kingdom (CIOT, UK)
    Advanced Diploma in International Taxation for Transfer Pricing, International Taxation, and Singapore Tax (all completed)

  • Indonesian Tax Consultant Examination (Ujian Sertifikasi Konsultan Pajak /USKP)
    Certificate A, B and C (all completed)

  • Directorate General of Taxes (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak/DJP)
    Certified and Licensed Tax Consultant for A, B, and C (all completed)

  • The Republic of Indonesia Tax Court (Pengadilan Pajak RI)
    Licensed Tax Attorney (completed)

Courses and Classes

  • “Principles of International Taxation” held by IBFD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011)
  • “Practical Aspects of International Tax Planning” held by IBFD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2012)
  • “International Taxation of Oil and Gas and Other Mining Activities” held by IBFD, SIngapore (2013)
  • “Summer Course of International Taxation & Transfer Pricing” held by International Tax Center (ITC), Leiden University, the Netherlands (2015)
  • “Ethical and Legal Considerations in Tax Avoidance, Evasion and Fraud,” held by ISCA, Singapore (2017)
  • “Accounting for Restructuring and Discontinued Operations under FRS 37 and FRS 105,” held by ISCA, Singapore( 2017).
  • “Recent Global Developments Post Ratification of Multilateral Instrumen,” held by Foundation for International Taxation, Mumbai, India (2018)
  • “The Practice of Double Tax Treaties in Case Studies” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (2020)
  • Global Transfer Pricing Conference: “Transfer Pricing Developments around the World” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (2020)

Literature Journey


  • Anggi P I Tambunan, “Analysis on The Role of Limitation on Benefit to Prevent Treaty Shopping Practice in Indonesia,” Universitas Indonesia, 2009, (unpublished)

  • Anggi P I Tambunan, “The Tax Treatment of Hybrid Entities in Developing Countries: The UN Model Position and Source State Concern” in Hybrid Entities in Tax Treaty law, ed. Michael Lang. (Linde Verlag, 2020)

  • Anggi P I Tambunan et al, “Chapter 20: Implementing the Multilateral Instrument in Indonesia” in The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI), ed. Michael Lang et al. (IBFD, October, 2021)



Deborah S.Sos., LL.M., Int. Tax., BKP., BKBC., APCIT.

Deborah is one of the leading tax practitioners in handling strategic business restructuring cases, corporate funding, and securitization as her main expertise. She is also one of the best practitioners of tax consultation and dispute resolution with a satisfactory outcome. She is continuously trusted to represent multinational corporations as well as state-owned corporations.

konsultan akunting jakarta, konsultan pajak jakarta


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Fiscal Administration from University of Indonesia (Cumlaude)

  • Master’s Degree in International Taxation from Wirtschaftsuniversitat, Wien (WU, Vienna)

Occupational Formalities

  • Indonesian Tax Consultant Examination (Ujian Sertifikasi Konsultan Pajak /USKP)
    Certificate A, B and C (all completed)
  • Directorate General of Taxes (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak/DJP)
    Certified and Licensed Tax Consultant for A, B, and C (all completed)

  • The Republic of Indonesia Tax Court (Pengadilan Pajak RI)
    Licensed Tax Attorney (completed)
    Licensed Customs and Excise Attorney (completed)

Courses and Classes

  • “Basic International Taxation” held by IBFD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2011);

  • “Transfer Pricing Program (Class of 2011),” held by Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, Tax Academy of Singapore, Atax, and the University of New South Wales, Singapore (2011)

  • “The Impact of the White Paper for Adequate, Safe and Sustainable Pensions on Treaty Police in Europe,” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and PWC, Austria (2012)

  • “The New Politics of Tax Administration,” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria (2012)

  • “Latest Developments at OECD on Indirect Taxes & the International VAT/GST Guidelines,” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and PWC, Austria (2013)

  • “Tax Treaty Case Law Around the Globe,” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria (2013)

  • “GAARs (General Anti-Avoidance Rules) in the Chinese Tax System,” held by Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria (2013)

  • “Accounting for Restructuring and Discontinued Operations under FRS 37 and FRS 105,” held by ISCA, Singapore (2017)

  • “Recent Global Developments Post Ratification of Multilateral Instrumen,” held by Foundation for International Taxation, Mumbai, India (2018)

  • Post-BEPS holding, finance and IP Companies in International Tax Structuring held by IBFD (2023).
  • PE Risks and Opportunities in International Tax Structuring in the Post-BEPS Era held by IBFD (2023).
  • The OECD Pillar 2: Focus on the Globe Rules held by IBFD (2023).

  • Substance Requirements in Post-BEPS International Tax Planning held by IBFD (2024).

  • Beneficial Ownership and Related Controversies held by IBFD (2024).

  • Post-BEPS Practical Tax Treaty Application held by IBFD (2024).

  • Treaty Anti-Abuse Rules and Corporate Tax Structuring held by IBFD (2024).

  • MLI and Its Practical Perspectives held by IBFD (2024).

  • Effective International Tax Dispute Resolution held by IBFD (2024).

  • Taxation of Indirect Asset Transfers held by IBFD (2024).

  • 2020 Update to Transfer Pricing Guidelines on Financial Transcations held by IBFD (2024).

  • Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing held by IBFD (2024).

  • The OECD Pillar 1: Latest Developments and What Lies Ahead held by IBFD (2024)

  • OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines and Areas of Controversy held by IBFD (2024).

  • Cross-Border Tax Disputes and Recent Cases held by IBFD (2024).

  • Transfer Pricing Disputes and Recent Cases held by IBFD (2024).

  • Cross Border Disputes and Dispute Resolution Under OECD Pilar 1 and Pillar 2 held by IBFD (2024).
  • Controversy Management and Transparency Initiatives held by IBFD (2024).

Literature Journey


  • The Legal Relevance of the OECD Standard, ” in Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, ed. Oliver-Christoph Günther and Nicole Tüchler. (Linde, 2013)

Magazines & Newspaper

  • Kerahasiaan Perbankan,” Kontan Newspaper, Feb. 14, 2012

  • E-Filing Belum Optimal,” Republika Newspaper, Feb. 10, 2014

  • Regulasi Pajak Bisnis Online Harus Cermat,” Republika Newspaper, Mar. 14, 2014


Meet the Team.

Sabastian M. Tambunan, S.E., M.H. (Cand)

Manager Associate

Is the leading manager of tax compliance and litigation services at Abide Tax Consulting. He successfully attended a conference course in Singapore and received a full scholarship from Abide Tax Consulting who is currently pursuing a master’s degree in law at Gadjah Mada University. He is an experienced practitioner with particular expertise in handling tax reviews, opinions and dispute resolution procedures. He represents leading multinational companies operating in the automotive, financial services, steel manufacturing, heavy equipment, consumer goods and technology sectors.

Eni Kristina Pujiastuti, S.Ds

Awareness of Brand Marketing

A dedicated marketing professional with a focus on awareness brand marketing at Abide Tax
Consulting. She has solid experience in market analysis and has been successful in designing and
executing stunning marketing campaigns to strengthen the company’s brand image.

Ester Hutabarat S.Pt

Finance and Project Administrator

An experienced and expert in financial management aspects who has good oral and written communication and teamwork skills at Abide Tax Consulting. She has solid experience in managing budgets on time and on target. She has been successful in project management so that every step of the company’s operations to serve its valued clients runs smoothly and efficiently.

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